
OpenBCI ExG Headphones Kit

This biosignal acquisition system allows the recording of electrophysiological changes (e.g., EEG, EOG, ECG, EMG) from electrode positions around the ears and on the head.

You know - while looking like a pair of headphones instead of an alien EEG-helmet or -cap!

As this is an open-source project, we share all our build instructions in the GitHub repository. At the same time, we are aware that some people might prefer purchasing a kit for easier and faster access. Hence, we are considering to offer such a kit - if we get a few requests. If you are among the interested, please just send us a short message via contact@expeeeriments.io

Components Overview

The system is an extension of the OpenBCI biosignals acquisition platform. Therefore, three major parts make up the recording system:

OpenBCI Amplifiers

These biosignal amplifiers allow 4 to 16-channel ExG recordings with 125Hz to 250Hz sampling rate and 24 bit resolution.

The boards can be purchased from OpenBCI directly:

The ExG headphones are compatible with all the three amplifier versions.

To power the board, you can use a LiPo battery with JST connector, for example with 500mAh (~6h recordings), or 1000mAh (~12h recordings). These require an inexpensive charger.

OpenBCI Electrodes

OpenBCI provides these metal Ag/AgCl electrodes for use in their Ultracortex MK IV EEG headset.

The same electrodes form the basis of the ExG headphone electrodes and need to be disassembled and re-assembled with a small screwdriver.

Please find the detailed instructions here:

ExG Headphones Kit

These components enable the data collection of signals around the ear and the top of the head with the ExG headphones:

  • 3D-Printed Parts (Headband and Speakers)
  • Electrode Housings (and Springs)
  • Cushions (Headband and Ears)
  • Speakers (with Microphone and Audio Cable)
  • Wires (Electrode & Battery Cable Extensions)

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